Introduction Once in a while, I like posting challenges in some of the technical Discord communities I participate in! I find that it's fun for me to write them and it ends up being informative for a lot of people! Just like a dunk tank at the carnival, it's fun for everyone! People have fun throwing the balls and the …
Read MoreIntroduction Recently, I had a conversation with someone on the Cisco Study Group Discord who was studying for their CCNP ENARSI exam. Great Discord if you want to join, by the way - lots of very insightful conversations! And of course, I'm there, so why aren't you??? (If you are - say hi, why don't ya!) Thanks to …
Read MoreIntroduction Traditionally, with IOS, working inside of a VRF is great joy and fun. As long as your traffic never needs to leave the VRF and is perfectly content never seeing whether the grass truly is greener on the other field. I mean, the other VRF! The moment traffic needed to leave the VRF, to put it gently, it …
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